The Court of Cassation upholds the annulment of an arbitral award based on the close personal ties between an arbitrator and a party’s counsel, revealed in the eulogy addressed by the former to the latter

Reference: French Supreme Court, 19 June 2024, no. 23-10.972, (confirmation of Paris Court of Appeal, Pole 5, Ch. 16, 10 January 2023, no. 20/18330) On 19 June 2024, the Court of Cassation issued a judgement on the independence and impartiality of arbitrators in an ICC arbitration relating to a contract between Douala International Terminal (“DIT”) […]

French Court of Cassation rules that, in insolvency proceedings, an exequatur order that merely recognises a claim is not contrary to international public policy

Reference: Cass. civ. 15 May 2024, no. 23-11.012 This case concerns an arbitration initiated in 2013 by Hydro Construction (“Hydro”) against Vergnet. On 6 May 2014, the parties agreed to suspend the arbitration proceedings and submit their dispute to an adjudicator, who issued a non-binding decision in favour of Hydro and ordered Vergnet to pay […]

Teynier Pic is delighted to welcome Sandrine Saïd to its team

Admitted to the Cairo Bar and shortly admitted to the Paris Bar, Sandrine has joined Teynier Pic as an associate. Her practice focuses on commercial litigation and international arbitration. Before joining Teynier Pic, she was trained in commercial litigation, having interned at leading international and French law firms in Paris. Sandrine holds a Bachelor of […]

The jurisdiction of English courts to grant anti-suit injunctions based on an arbitration agreement providing for a seat in France

UniCredit Bank GmbH (Respondent) v RusChemAlliance LLC (Appellant), UKSC 2024/0015 Do English courts have jurisdiction to issue anti-suit injunctions in support of arbitrations seated outside the United Kingdom? On 23 April 2024, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (“the Supreme Court”) ruled on this issue in a case between a Russian company (RusChemAliance or […]