Founding Partner

Eric Teynier is one of the two founding partners of Teynier Pic. Prior to setting up his own independant firm in 2004, he practised with some of the most reputable law firms in Paris. He is highly experienced in domestic and international litigation and arbitration.

Over the past 30 years, he has represented his clients before French judicial courts and arbitral tribunals constituted under the aegis of the main arbitration institutions (ICC, ICSID, CRCICA, AAA, AFA, OHADA). He has also acted before ad hoc tribunals, constituted, in particular, pursuant to the UNCITRAL arbitration rules.

Éric Teynier’s main areas of practice include business law and international law, with a particular focus on investor-State relations. Éric Teynier has also been appointed as arbitrator, including as chairman of the arbitral tribunal, in several dozen commercial and investment arbitration proceedings.

  • Paris (1980)
  • Representing a French public works group in an ICC arbitration against a project owner relating to the construction of a loading dock for a bulk port in Senegal.
  • Representing a French credit insurance company in an UNCITRAL ad hoc arbitration in obtaining the recovery of a debt (subrogated in the rights of a French electronics group specialised in aerospace, defence, security and land transport) relating to the delivery of coastal radars to an African State.
  • Representing a Lebanese entrepreneur in a review procedure concerning an ICC award on lack of jurisdiction, concerning a hotel project in Lebanon.
  • Representing an African State in an ICC arbitration concerning the termination of a natural resources’ concession contract.
  • Representing a French electronics company specialising in aerospace, defence, security and land transport in an ICC arbitration against an African bank.
  • Representing a global tobacco and smoking products company in judicial proceedings before the Court of Appeal of Paris to set aside an arbitral award.
  • Representing a French telecoms company in a dispute over the enforcement of an arbitral award and an ICC arbitration against an African State resulting in the seizure of a presidential aircraft and a building.
  • Representing two French companies against a North African State in a water treatment dispute concerning the breach of a Bilateral Investment Treaty between France and that country (ICSID).
  • Representing a global steel group before the Commercial Court of Nanterre against a French industrial energy group, in proceedings relating to the termination of a steel gas processing unit for transformation into electricity.
  • Representing a global steel group in connection with an expert determination regarding disorders affecting the breakwater of a French port.     
  • French
  • English
  • Certificat d’Aptitude à la Profession d’Avocat EFB Paris (France) – 1980
  • DEA in Labour Lawl Paris X – Paris-Nanterre (France) – 1979
  • Master of Private Law Paris X – Paris-Nanterre (France) – 1978
  • Head of the « Investissements internationaux et arbitrage » column in Cahiers de l’Arbitrage of La Gazette du Palais in association with Professors Fadlallah and Leben and author of the following articles (2003-2020):
    • «L’applicabilité des traités bilatéraux sur les investissements entre États membres de l’Union européenne », Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2008/1, p. 12 et s
    • « Umbrella clause : le temps se couvre », Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2006/3, p. 38 et s
    • « L’amicus curiae dans l’arbitrage CIRDI », Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2005/3, p. 19 et s
    • « Les anti-suit injunctions », Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2004/2, 2ème partie, p. 9 et s
    • « Les umbrella clauses», Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2004/2, 2ème partie, p. 29 et s
    • « La notion d’investisseur », Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2003/2, 2ème partie, p. 3 et s
    • « L’indemnisation du préjudice né de l’atteinte à un investissement », Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2003/2, 2ème partie, p. 27 et s
  • « Exception de notoriété et devoir de curiosité», Rev. arb., 2022, n° 1, p. 99 et s. (co-author)
  • « L’office de l’arbitre d’investissement : le cas particulier de l’investissement illicite», Rev. , 2019, n° 1, pp. 117-172
  • « La récusation de l’arbitre » dans Un demi-siècle africain au CIRDI, LGDJ, 2019, pp. 145-171
  • « Les études d’impact sur les droits de l’homme et l’arbitrage d’investissement » in: Catharine TITI (dir.), Droits de l’homme et droit international économique, Bruylant, 2019 (co-author)
  • « L’affaire Chevron ou l’arbitrage d’investissement à la croisée des chemins », Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, 2019/3 (co-author)
  • « Propos sur le recours des parties aux experts financiers», Rev. arb., 2015, n° 2, p. 437 et s
  • « Can a Party Benefiting from an Award Rendered Against a State Enforce the Award Against an Instrumentality of Such State? », IAI Series on international arbitration n° 4, 2008, p. 103 et s
  • Chronique de jurisprudence Française : Cass. Civ. 1ère, 23 janvier 2007, Sociétés Compagnie fiduciaire informatique européenne et financière (COFIEF) et Compagnie de distribution informatique expert (CODIX) c/ Société Applications et logistique sur informatique (ALIX) ; Cass. Civ. 1ère, 23 janvier 2007, Monsieur Jacques Médard c/ Société Système U, Rev. arb., 2007, N°2, p. 284 et s
  • « International Arbitration – A country-by-country look at alternative dispute resolution methods around the globe », Winning Legal Strategies, Apastore, 2005 (co-author)
  • « L’irrecevabilité est-elle la sanction appropriée de la violation d’une clause de conciliation obligatoire ? », La Gazette du Palais, Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, n° 2003/2, 1ère partie, p. 4 et s. (co-author)
  • « Réglez les litiges commerciaux grâce à l’arbitrage», Option Finance n°740 et n° 741, Juin 2003
  • « La médiation : Adversaires d’hier, partenaires de demain ?», Les Cahiers EY, Janvier 2001
  • « L’aptitude des états et des personnes morales de droit public à être parties à un arbitrage dans l’espace OHADA », Les Cahiers Juridiques et Fiscaux de l’Exportation, 2000, p. 1377 et s. (co-author)
  • « La réforme française de certaines professions judiciaires et juridiques », Diritto del commercio internazionale, Fasc. 2, 1991, p. 651 et s
  • « La règle de droit de la faillite et le sort économique des entreprises défaillantes », Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit économique, 1985.1, p. 57 et s
  • Lecturer – Master 2 Business Litigation – Paris X – Paris-Nanterre (2003-2016)
  • “Eric Teynier comes highly recommended for his work both as counsel and arbitrator. He assists a variety of French and international clients with ICC and ICSID cases, as well as setting aside proceedings. He is praised by sources for his courtroom skills” – Chambers Global 2022
  • “The elegance and force of his advocacy always shone through” – Chambers Global 2022
  • Recognised by Who’s Who Legal as a “global leader”, “thought leader”, and a “national leader”. “Eric Teynier ‘is a very well-regarded advocate and a great arbitrator’ who has over 30 years of experience handling both domestic and international arbitrations” – Who’s Who Legal 2021
  • “The ‘very talented’ Eric Teynier is reputed for his international arbitration practice, acting both as counsel and arbitrator.  He represents clients in commercial and investment cases across Europe, Africa and the Middle East” – Chambers Global 2020
  • Member of the International Arbitration Institute (IAI)
  • Member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  • Member of the French Arbitration Committee (CFA)
  • Member of the Swiss Arbitration Association (SAA)
  • Member of the French branch of the International Law Association (ILA)


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