
Raphael Kaminsky specialises in commercial litigation, international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Raphael has acted as counsel in a large number of domestic and international commercial arbitrations, both institutional and ad hoc.  He also regularly sits as arbitrator.  His experience encompasses disputes in the telecommunications, defence, energy, aerospace and distribution sectors, relating to project in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.  Raphael also has a broad experience in pre- and post-arbitration litigation before the French courts and has been involved in dozens of set-aside proceedings, appeals against exequatur orders and in the enforcement of arbitral awards, including against sovereigns.

Raphael is also a recognised expert in domestic and international commercial litigation.  He has acted in a large number of proceedings before French courts and his experience includes post-M&A disputes, and disputes in the telecommunication, distribution and heavy industry sectors.  He has extensive experience in private international law in areas such as the taking evidence and the service of judicial or extra-judicial documents abroad (Hague Conventions and blocking statutes).

He has also represented clients in numerous institutional and ad hoc mediations and conciliations.

  • New York (2002)
  • Paris (2003)
  • Representing a Ukrainian company specialising in the production and distribution of electricity, in a dispute with the Republic of Moldova before the French Courts and the CJEU concerning the annulment of an ad hoc arbitration award made pursuant to the Energy Charter Treat
  • Representing a Moroccan telecom operator before the French Courts in a dispute with a Belgian company in the context of lack of contractual performance and international fraud.
  • Representing a Finnish forestry machine manufacturer in a dispute concerning alleged defects in its Belgian customer’s forestry harvester.
  • Representing a retail franchisor in a dispute before the Commercial Court and the Court of Appeal of Paris concerning the termination of the franchise agreement with its franchisee for negligence.
  • Representing a Polish consulting company in an ICC arbitration against a major international aerospace group concerning the non-performance of several consulting contracts.
  • Representing a French company in an ICC arbitration against a Turkish company in connection with an allegedly defective delivery of a float glass line.
  • Representing an Algerian commercial agent in ICC arbitration proceedings against a world leader in the pharmaceutical industry, relating to non-payment of commissions and wrongful termination of the consultancy contract.
  • Representing a French respondent in ICC arbitration proceedings against a French claimant in relation to an alleged patent/know-how infringement in connection with a NGL containment system (French law).
  • Representing a Russian company in an ad hoc arbitration against a West African State concerning the termination of a public contract for the construction of a hydroelectric dam.
  • Representing one of the world leaders in the production of calcium alumina (CAC) in an ICC arbitration against a Greek bauxite supplier.
  • Representing an American investment fund against the Republic of Poland in proceedings to set aside an ICSID arbitration award before the French Courts.
  • Representing a BVI security and defence company in a CCJA arbitration against a West African State in a dispute arising from the termination of a contract for the production of identity documents.
  • Representing a world leader in the renewable energy sector against a world leader in electricity generation in an ad hoc mediation concerning failure to supply uranium at the contractually agreed price.
  • Representing the leading German-based electricity producer in a pre-arbitral dispute against the French national energy producer concerning a contract for the operation of a nuclear power plant.
  • French
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Master Degree (DEA) Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne – 2002
  • LL.M. in American Legal Studies Golden Gate University School of Law (San Francisco) – 2001
  • Dual Master’s (Maîtrise) degree in French and Anglo-American Law Paris X – Paris-Nanterre – 2000
  • “La responsabilité des centres d’arbitrage”, IRJS Editions (forthcoming)
  • “The Egyptian Court of Cassation shows its support for international arbitration in a landmark decision”, Teynier Pic blog
  • “Expedited Procedure Provisions: A Gimmick or an Answer to International Arbitration’s Ills?”, Dispute Resolution Section of the New York State Bar Association, Fall 2019
  • “La détermination du préjudice et l’interdiction pour l’arbitre de changer le fondement juridique de la demande d’indemnisation sans respecter le principe du contradictoire “, JCP E, 22 September 2016
  • “Plus d’obstacle à la clause compromissoire ou l’inexorable montée en puissance de l’arbitrage dans le contentieux des pratiques restrictives de concurrence “, JCP E, 10 March 2016
  • “Arbitrage Tapie-Crédit Lyonnais : pourquoi l’affaire va encore faire parler”, Les Echos, 4 December 2015
  • “Une révolution en marche dans le droit des immunités – La fin des régimes spéciaux pour les immunités diplomatiques et l’arbitrage international ?”, JCP E, 17 September 2015
  • “Arbitrage Tapie – Crédit Lyonnnais : vers un épilogue incertain”, Les Echos, 19 February 2015
  • “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2014”, Global Legal Group, 11ème edition
  • “Nouveaux règlements de médiation de la CCI : un mécanisme de résolution des litiges adapté aux besoins des entreprises”, Magazine du Medef Ile-de-France, n° 53, March 2014
  • “Class arbitration : une solution alternative à la class action à la française ?”, Décideurs Stratégie Droit Finance, 2 February 2014
  • A review of “Players Interaction in International Arbitration (Dossier, ICC Institute of World Business Law)” in Les Cahiers de l’arbitrage 2013, LGDJ, Lextenso Editions
  • “L’accord entre Google et la presse française ou le succès de la médiation dans le règlement des litiges commerciaux internationaux “, LIA, 26 February 2013, n°1103
  • “La médiation, mode alternatif de règlement des conflits incontournable”, Journal des Sociétés, December 2012, n°104
  • Procedural Fairness and the Arbitration Agreement, SLC Conference (October 2022)
  • Les Ateliers de la Pratique Arbitrale, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (since 2019)
  • The responsibility of arbitration centres, LEX Conference at the Sorbonne (2021)
  • High Tech and International Arbitration – Tel Aviv Arbitration Day (2020)
  • Anglo-American Business Law, University Paris Ouest-La Défense (2003-2020)
  • International Business Litigation, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2007-2012)
  • International Arbitration, LL.M. in Transnational Studies, and Master 2 Economic Law, École de droit, Science Po (since 2018)
  • International Arbitration, HEDAC (2016)
  • International Arbitration, ESCP business school (2017)
  • Included in WWL’s list of Global Leaders. WWL 2022 reports client comments: “very bright, very convincing lawyer with a powerful presence“; “he is an excellent technical lawyer“; “Raphael is a very talented arbitration lawyer and a pleasure to work with“. WWL 2020 says: “Raphael Kaminsky is an ‘excellent lawyer’ who ‘has established himself as one of the stars of the new generation’.”
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2020: “Raphael Kaminsky is extremely responsive and dedicated. His work is outstanding, and he demonstrates a thorough understanding of the legal issues and the underlying economic and technical issues. He has impressive cross-examination and advocacy skills.”
  • Co-Chairman (and former Vice-Chairman) of the Paris Arbitration Week
  • Member of the board of the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA)
  • Former co-chair of CFA 40
  • Member of the Institute for International Arbitration (IAI)


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